FlicknFung and BabyBabies
Thoughts, research and comments about having a baby in Toronto.
Singing in the morning
Board Games
Gabe chose the games based on what he could see on the sides of the boxes. Naturally, our first game was Batman Returns 3-D, one that neither of us had played before. The 3-D aspect of it was a novelty for us, but the gameplay involved no strategy, just dice rolling:
We then moved on to Hungry Hungry Hippos:
We tried Jolly Octopus for a bit, but we both thought it was pretty dumb (and creepy too).
Our final game was one that the resident game guru suggested to us, Loopin' Louie:
We had a blast at Snakes & Lattes, and hope to visit it many more times in the future!
A Conversation about Personal Safety with Gabriel
Daddy: So, that's why you can't go places by yourself. Like, what if you saw a raccoon outside?
Gabriel: I wouldn't be scared.
Daddy: What if it bit you? Would you know what to do?
Gabriel: Call 911 with my other hand.
Gabrielisms for August
At a relative's house, with a dog under the kitchen table:
He's eating the corn bone!
At the farmer's market:
This is like a grocery store that's outdoors!
Slow motion pool fun
Gemma, Gabey, Daddy Days: Week 1 (May 3-9)
I don't really have any concrete plans for what I'm going to do with Gemma and Gabe. We'd like to go visit my parents every week, do things outdoors, and also work around Gemma's mid-day nap.
Here are the highlights from the first week: